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My Approach

I work integratively, which means that I use elements, techniques and understanding from different modalities and schools of thought depending on the person's difficulties and goals. I always try to help my clients achieve the best possible outcome in the time given. I believe strongly that time limited therapy is extremely effective and helps people make changes quicker. My view is that when we have a limited number of sessions this somewhat mirrors life in its limitations including that of limited time, and therefore the 'push' for making changes is greater. Time limit also allows me to pay attention to therapy ending, which for most people is very difficult as it connects us with the feelings of loss. I try to help my clients to have a different experience of ending, where a person can stay connected to themselves, their feelings, experience and others, regardless of how hard this might be. However, occasionally certain clients may wish to have an open ended therapy and I acknowledge that in some situations this might be very much needed, and I am able to work in an open ended therapy although I will still be trying to encourage changes whenever possible.


​As each person I work with is unique with their own set of unique needs, the therapy approach is tailored to give the client what he/she wants. If you decide to start therapy with me I will devise individualised treatment plan taking into consideration alongside your preferences and goals, the most recent research and evidence-based practice. To support me in my choices I have been trained in a number of therapy approaches, but the main ones I typically draw on are Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT), Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Person-Centred (PC), Psychodynamic, and Systemic Approaches. I also use elements of Compassion Focused Therapy and Mindfulness in my work.   


I tend to use Cognitive Analytic Therapy Approach as the base from which I build upon and where I incorporate other techniques. In my experience CAT is very helpful in cases when people find themselves in the same place over and over again, or making the same mistake, or feeling particularly stuck, or even when other models/treatments had not worked. CAT helps to understand the repeated patterns in our lives and focuses on what we can do about those. I especially value in CAT its equal focus on understanding and change. 


I have a great sense of privilege to be let into my clients' lives and have them share their stories with me. I am aware that you can only begin to tell me your story if you feel safe enough to be able to start therapy with me. I am therefore offering an initial phone consultation for up to 20 minutes without a charge, and if you decide to arrange an appointment during the first session I will help you decide if I am the therapist for you.


In my sessions, I am approachable and friendly, and I use humour as I believe laughter too can be a great vehicle for exploration of difficult feelings and offer a catharsis. I try, wherever possible, to be gently challenging so people can begin to develop more flexible ways of thinking about themselves, their difficulties, and others. I care deeply about my clients, and their well-being is very important to me and this is in the heart of everything I do and every decision I make. 

Let’s Start Working Together!

© 2024 by Dr Edyta Pazera

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